Blah Blah Blah

Somewhere along the line people have also put their opinion into the mix just to add salt to the wound. Yes, we are a business model and yes we help people to find job satisfaction even if it's for the short term.
The one2one cv centre is a unique blend of recruitment/ interviewing and teaching skills. The combination has helped hundreds of people in over 6 countries worldwide. Enough bragging, let's get to the point. You're studying English as a second language, you have a genuine want and need to better yourself both personally and professionally. The level of salary you earn reflects in the house you live in, the car you drive and the social status many of us crave certainly from the job security perspective.
It was back in 2011 when a student who was learning English as a second language asked me to look at their CV whilst having a Skype class. This sounded very strange at the time since I spent 5 years as a recruitment consultant in the west end of London so although I had plenty of experience in a physical sense, I had none in the virtual one.
Have to admit that the idea of helping someone in another country was intriguing so I gave it a go. This wasn't CV translation but it gave the student an opportunity to speak and express something they wanted to say and that allowed me to put those words into meaningful text that projected her in a manner that could eliminate other candidates who applied for the same position.
The interview process starts here, if you look good on paper, then the initial screening process will provide a vantage point as you stand a much higher percentage of meeting the initial part of the selection process.
Can you live up to your CV? Yes is the answer since the CV writer has used what you wish to project, what is required is practice and guess what, we do that too. We will help you to do this in simulated classes, the teacher plays the part of the interviewer and you will pitch your skills based on the text on your CV.
This will mean that it's not just standard questions that will be asked but all the other stuff too such as; can I offer you a coffee? or how was your journey? this type of role play will help you to prepare for the event and generate confidence which attributes to 75% to this process.
As teachers, we have found this system of learning to be highly effective but don-t take our word for it, press this link to read some of our testimonials.
Contact us today or book a free test class and find out more about our system, we think that we can make a big difference and open the doors of opportunity.
Finally, you don't have to be a student to enjoy our CV and interview preparation service. We have produced CV's for key positions in the UK and the USA too.
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