Website vs Blog? Both may be the answer, we are changing the way in which we work and as of today our Blogs will be used for publishing articles and our Website used to book lessons, view calendars and download lesson plans. We are really excited and hope that you like the website as much as we do. Forum You will find a community section on our website, it contains an area for video's a forum and links to our audio productions. You can join our forum for free whether you are a student or not, we would love to hear from you!. Our first topic for discussion has been posted so please feel free to join in. Prices We have introduced a Pay as you go option so you do not have to book a course, simply book lessons when you feel that you need them. Details are in the Prices section on our website. Thank you all for your continued support we really appreciate it, if you like our work please share on Facebook or G+, Sanj Press here to view