
Showing posts from June, 2012


We are all faced with choice, some prefer to learn in the real world others online. I will tell you that Skype is an amazing piece of technology, it allows you to fit classes around a busy schedule. I am a British national so my accent is very clear and easy to understand. I am a published author hence very dedicated to doing things in a structured and organised way. I have now tought over 250 Skype lessons and I pride myself on my ability to develop confidence in the English language. Licenced and properly registered, I can provide tax receipts if you are a company or self employed. I hope to see you in class soon, Sanj


If you are a teacher, I do a very good conversational course which helps you to improve phonics. Very few teaching systems provide you with what I call the code for sounds. Take a look at the code for sounds; A - ai B - bee C - sea D - dee E - ee F - ef G - gee H - haych I - eye J - jay K - Kay L - Elle M - em N - en O - oh P - pea Q - que R - are S - es T - tea U - you V - vee W - double you X - ex Y - why Z - zed As a guide, and reference I work with you to present clarity. Practice makes perfect, but it will help change the way the tongue moves against the teeth in order to present a much clearer sound. Posted by Sanj Saigal at 2:00 PM 0 comments


Very pleased to have been featured in another newspaper this week... Press this link to read the article

Describe An Image

At some point, all my students learn to describe photos... It's an excellent way to develop vocabulary, practice tenses, and of course your conversational skills. You will be very surprised at how fast you conversational skills develop in a very short period of time.... Could you describe this photo in English?

Expat’s new book to help Spanish children with English

Expat’s new book to help Spanish children with English

The Interview

Most of my students are preparing for exams but they are also learning how to practice for interviews, I have dedicated lesson plans for both. Contact me today to find out more....